The Team Includes:



  • Dr. Mayur B. Nayak, F.C.A. (PhD), is a Practising Chartered Accountant for the past 35 years, specializing in International Taxation (including Transfer Pricing), Cross Border Investments, and Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
  • Passed B.Com. in First Class from Mumbai University, he is a Rank Holder in C.A. Final examination. He has done his doctorate in International Taxation.
  • The subject of his Doctorate was “Impact of GAAR and Transfer Pricing in Indian Tax Laws in the Prevention of BEPS vis-à-vis Cross Border Businesses”.
  • He was President of the Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society (BCAS) for the year 2010-11. He was chairman of the Human Resources Committee of the BCAS from 2011-12 to 2015-16. He was the Chairman of the International Taxation Committee of the BCAS for five years from 2016-17 to 2021-22.
    Presently he is the editor of the BCAJ and the Chairman of the Journal Committee of the BCAS.
  • On 16th July 2011, he was conferred the “Scholar of the Year” award by the Ness Wadia College of Commerce Pune in recognition of his contribution to the profession of Chartered Accountancy and in the field of International Taxation. He delivered the 43rd Founding Day Talk at the Ness Wadia College on 16th July 2011 on the subject of “Good Governance and Accountability - A Perspective”.
  • He has authored a monograph on “Permanent Establishment” published by the Chamber of Tax Consultants (CTC), Mumbai. He has co-authored a book titled “Mauritius- International Business and Tax Strategies” published in 2002. He is a co-author of the publication entitled “Tax and Treaty Guide” published by BCAS (Five editions). He is a co-author of the book “Comprehensive Handbook on Non-Resident Taxation & FEMA”.
  • He has co-authored Compendiums on GAAR, MLI, and TRANSFER PRICING published by the BCAS.
  • He has also co-authored various editions of the Compendiums on International Taxation published by the CTC.
  • He is a co-author of the “International Taxation” column in BCA Journal for over 22 years and was the recipient of the Best Feature Award in the year 1999-2000 and 2021-2022. He is a contributor to the monthly column “FEMA Update” in the “Income Tax Review” published by CTC.
  • He jointly contributed to the India branch report on “Source and Residence: New Configuration of their Principles” on behalf of the India Branch, discussed at the 2005 Buenos Aires Congress of the International Fiscal Association and published in the Cahier.
  • He has presented papers, led group discussions and delivered talks at various professional bodies including BCAS, CTC, ICAI, IFA, IMC, Chambers of Commerce, as well as public sector banks and contributed articles in various professional journals and newspapers in areas of International Taxation, Domestic Taxation, Transfer Pricing, Wills, FERA and FEMA.

Non-Professional Aspects

  • He is the chairman of the MABAP Foundation (A spiritual organisation). He is a trustee of the BCAS Foundation and the MILT Charitable Trust, Bombay (Devoted to the welfare of destitute children).
  • He is an accredited trainer of Spiritual Healing and represents the Mumbai sub-chapter of the Indian Spiritual Healing Foundation, Rishikesh. As a motivational trainer he has conducted a number of seminars to empower people including on Balanced Professional Growth. Recently he conducted Seminars on "Inspired Living" based on the theme of "Living, Learning and Leading" for various organisations. This course is uniquely designed, as is linked to the ancient Indian philosophy of Panch Mahabhoot (i.e., Five Basic Elements of Life, namely, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space).
  • A song written by him on “Corona ko Jad Se Mitayenge….” for the BCAS has received wide acclamation and viewership on the YouTube Channel of the BCAS. This song was used by the Amreli Suvarnkar Sangh (Jwellers' Association) to felicitate Corona Warriors of Amreli, Gujarat.
  • He has won a number of awards at the National Level for his essays on psycho-spiritual subjects at the National Conventions organized by the MILT Foundation, an organization of growth-oriented people.
  • He was a trainer at the Chinmaya Mission. He is an accredited trainer of the ISH Foundation, where he regularly conducts courses on Spiritual Healing, which he has learned from his Spiritual Master Dr. Harish Joshi. He is an ardent devotee of Shri Shri Maha Avatar Babaji.
  • He has run number of half marathons and featured in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2015 for running a half marathon at Satara.

Sanket Narolkar

Sanket Narolkar is a Fellow member of ICAI, qualified in the year 2011. He has over 10 years experience in Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, GST, Service Tax, Internal Financial Controls, Valuation, Taxation etc. He has successfully completed the Certificate Course on Internal Audit Studies conducted by Bombay Chartered Accountants Society in the year 2012. He has also completed his ISA (Information Systems Audit) Course carried out by ICAI in the year 2016.

Key assignments carried out:

  • Internal audits of construction companies, jewellery manufacturing companies
  • Statutory Audits of diamond manufacturing companies, software companies, jewellery companies, bakeries, charitable trusts, service sector companies, trading companies
  • Scrutiny assessment of individuals, Private Limited companies, charitable trusts, Partnership firms at Assessing Officer and CIT(A) level.
  • Valuation of shares and debentures of Private Limited Companies.
  • Representing on behalf of client in GST department audit and service tax department audit
  • IFC (Internal Financial Control) assignments for Private Limited companies and advising on implementation of the same
  • Advising on first time implementation of Ind AS for Private Limited Companies
  • Assisting and advising in the accounts finalization in case of Amalgamations and Mergers.


  • Uday is a Chartered Accountant with more than a year's post-qualification experience in audit and assurance services, Taxation (Domestic and International), Transfer Pricing, and FEMA (FDI and ODI Compliances, Business structuring).
  • He has done his Articleship with Kothari and Kenia, Chartered Accountants, and worked for a further 2 years with the same firm.
  • He has work experience with various Industries like large Jewellery Manufacturing companies, IT (BPO and KPO) Companies, Garment Manufacturing, Trading in Electrical goods, Third Party Insurance Companies.
  • Recently, he has assisted in the preparation of “Law and Practice of Transfer Pricing in India - A Compendium” published by the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society (BCAS)

Key Capabilities/ Major Work Exposure:

  • Audit & Assurance:
    • Statutory and Tax Audits of Corporate Clients as well as Non-Corporate Clients
  • Direct & Indirect Taxation:
    • Advisory and Litigation services related to direct tax regulations
    • Assisting in Transfer pricing Audits of Corporates, Partnership firms, LLP
  • FEMA & International Taxation :
    • Advising NRIs on various Taxation Matters
    • Advisory and Compliance as per FEMA (both ODI and FDI) to Corporates, LLP, Individual, and Partnership firm
    • Drafting of Loan agreements Visa-vis FEMA, Tax and Companies Act, 2013 Compliances.
  • Financial Projections (CMA Data) and valuation of Mid-size corporate business

Mr. Prakash Gotad B.Com.

Head of the Banking Department

He is heading the Corporate Financial Analysis Services Division of the Firm. He has hands on experience of over 20 years in Financial Analysis for multi-national banks.

Mr. Bhavesh Kanaiyalal Dave, B. Com

Assistant head of Financial (Bank)Analysis Department

  • Experience of over 25 years in Financial Analysis of Corporate and other entities (Tax and Audit).
  • Financial Analysis of the spreads received from Multi-national Banks.

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